Give it to me baby… by Tiger RoxXx
Hello there my lovely gifts to this sexy society! It is your precious kitten on a mission here to get you what you want for this holiday season. Now as a girl who knows what she wants I can give you a list a mile long on how to make me purr with glee when looking under my tree this year, but how do you tell that special someone how to please you?
It is a dangerous topic that definitely needs addressing because not enough people express themselves when it comes to sex. Who better to help you in the bedroom than me? I am sure you have had this thought before, too! Right!?! So let's get down and dirty, or leather and lace, or whips and chains, or whatever your likes and dislikes may be- and do a little sharing.
How do you approach the topic?
A little sexual check-up is healthy in any relationship. If there is an obvious problem then be gentle with your mount of the topic, but this does not mean let it go. There may be factors contributing to the lack of intimacy such as stress, depression, or medication. Being forthright and honest with your wants and needs at the right time, like when having a picnic in the bedroom, will show you are not complaining but trying to improve things. Do not use negative words, stay focused on your wants/desires.
Does it make you look bad to have sexual knowledge?
Approaching the topic of heightened sexual experiences will not make you look bad. Do not compare old lovers with your current one, but do be free to improve current sexual encounters with positive reinforcements. Remember you can get a Bachelor's Degree in something and still have only went to one school! Just because you are good doesn't mean you spread your knowledge through out the land!
Want to get creative with your sex life?
You deserve to be fulfilled! As does your partner, so remember that! Roll playing, games, trying new things, the list goes on and on! Nothing kills a sex life faster than being bored. Chances are if you are bored, so are they! Dress up! Be creative, and make sure you experiment! There is no shame in trying new things!
What if your likes/dislikes differ?
You have to be open to all ideas…with in reason, that is! You may not know if what tickles his fancy will tickle yours as well until you give it a shot. It is better to give and receive, so be willing to take a chance with them and make sure they return the favor. If you end up being totally incapable sexually you may need to go a step further into evaluating the status of the relationship.
How do you keep it fresh?
Keep sex on the front burner. Evaluate on a regular basis, whether things are good or not so much. Having the habit of a check up will keep pleasure on your mind when the time comes and make you a more sexual person in general. Find activities that you haven't done before, or places you haven't tried just to mix it up. Give yourself permission to be pleased how you want.
So my little love muffins, I hope you go straight away to your lovers door and beat it down with my advice. I will be listening for your bumps in the night air! Happy Holidays to you and yours and be sure to wrap your packages.
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Be sure to email me with your comments, love notes, and ideas at!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Go Backsies…
The Go Backsies…
Well hello there, my cutie kitties and precious pups, it's Tiger RoxXx, your favorite feline here. As I have watched this year spin by I have also had the joy of seeing you move in and out… and in…and out…of your relationships that is. So I thought it was just about time to discuss that little annoying topic of how to avoid the 'Go Backsies'. You know what I mean! That all too precious safe thing of a relationship that may not be all that safe for our mind, body, and soul. We all have done it; there is no shame in admitting it…but why?
Why after closing that nasty little door behind us do we stray back into the lairs of the once forgotten painful romance that we know is no good for us? Well, the short answer would be selective memory (no that is not just a male aliment). We choose to believe that things can be much different as well as forgetting the reasons that we stopped doing what we did. The long answer… we all want to win. Admit it, it's all about the competition! "Failed relationship", "Lost Love", "breaking up" – these are all terms of winning or losing something. Now, whether we were the initiator of the process or not, we still may feel ourselves wanting to go back. Let's look at it!
Excuse 1 "Maybe it wasn't so bad," When we first leave the ideas and reasons for leaving are fresh in our head. It probably has been a long time coming and the wounds are seeping and oozing. Once they heal, it is much easier to ignore the scars caused by the relationship and we only think of our loneliness. Instead of doing the work we should on ourselves or finding a new love we go back to the familiar.
Excuse 2 "Maybe I didn't try hard enough," This stems from guilt and lack of self love. Instead of building our self esteem we are bending to someone else's will. Do not allow this to happen. We can not go back and change what happened in the relationship by rekindling it.
Excuse 3 "Maybe he/she could change after all," If we love someone we love them for who they are. We should be happy with them from the jump. I know it sound cliché but it is a fact. Love them or leave them- the imperfections and perfections, that means we do not have to think about making compromises - we just do.
Excuse 4 "But I really love them" Check out my article on "Love Sick" it talks about self destructive love behavior. If our love for someone is self destructive then it is not really love. If it were healthy we wouldn't have left. Going back into that situation is bad for everyone involved.
Excuse 5 "We have been together so long" Really? This one cracks me up the most. What I hear is: "I have been miserable for 6 yrs, I can't stop now!" When we are not happy we are not happy, do not go back to try and work it out because we have time invested, that just means we gave it a shot already. Good job, move on.
So if you are playing the game of the 'Go Backsies' then no one is going to win…except maybe the movers. So start fresh with yourself, by yourself, so we can end the year with some amazing adventures! I can think of a few other things that you can go in and out of…no silly, not that… the bars.
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Well hello there, my cutie kitties and precious pups, it's Tiger RoxXx, your favorite feline here. As I have watched this year spin by I have also had the joy of seeing you move in and out… and in…and out…of your relationships that is. So I thought it was just about time to discuss that little annoying topic of how to avoid the 'Go Backsies'. You know what I mean! That all too precious safe thing of a relationship that may not be all that safe for our mind, body, and soul. We all have done it; there is no shame in admitting it…but why?
Why after closing that nasty little door behind us do we stray back into the lairs of the once forgotten painful romance that we know is no good for us? Well, the short answer would be selective memory (no that is not just a male aliment). We choose to believe that things can be much different as well as forgetting the reasons that we stopped doing what we did. The long answer… we all want to win. Admit it, it's all about the competition! "Failed relationship", "Lost Love", "breaking up" – these are all terms of winning or losing something. Now, whether we were the initiator of the process or not, we still may feel ourselves wanting to go back. Let's look at it!
Excuse 1 "Maybe it wasn't so bad," When we first leave the ideas and reasons for leaving are fresh in our head. It probably has been a long time coming and the wounds are seeping and oozing. Once they heal, it is much easier to ignore the scars caused by the relationship and we only think of our loneliness. Instead of doing the work we should on ourselves or finding a new love we go back to the familiar.
Excuse 2 "Maybe I didn't try hard enough," This stems from guilt and lack of self love. Instead of building our self esteem we are bending to someone else's will. Do not allow this to happen. We can not go back and change what happened in the relationship by rekindling it.
Excuse 3 "Maybe he/she could change after all," If we love someone we love them for who they are. We should be happy with them from the jump. I know it sound cliché but it is a fact. Love them or leave them- the imperfections and perfections, that means we do not have to think about making compromises - we just do.
Excuse 4 "But I really love them" Check out my article on "Love Sick" it talks about self destructive love behavior. If our love for someone is self destructive then it is not really love. If it were healthy we wouldn't have left. Going back into that situation is bad for everyone involved.
Excuse 5 "We have been together so long" Really? This one cracks me up the most. What I hear is: "I have been miserable for 6 yrs, I can't stop now!" When we are not happy we are not happy, do not go back to try and work it out because we have time invested, that just means we gave it a shot already. Good job, move on.
So if you are playing the game of the 'Go Backsies' then no one is going to win…except maybe the movers. So start fresh with yourself, by yourself, so we can end the year with some amazing adventures! I can think of a few other things that you can go in and out of…no silly, not that… the bars.
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Does your relationship suck?
Does your relationship suck?
Hi there my loves! It is your sharp toothed kitty here with a quick check up on that
naughty R word! Puzzled? Shouldn't know, relationship! Have you have
been riding the fence (instead of your love) on whether or not to call it quits? Well
I am here to pound that final nail right on the head. But are you ready for it?
There are lots of reasons why relationships fail, some are obvious while others
are hidden under the covers. Let's look at some of the naughty signs.
Control. One person feels like they are out of it, while the other has it all. Control,
like power, comes from with in yourself. You can not gain any more control by
taking it from someone else! Seriously. If you stay in control of yourself, your
mate is more likely to follow suit. Struggling to take control usually ends up in a
lose-lose situation, making both parties out of control. If you feel like you can not
get control of yourself and neither can your mate you need to find some one who
makes you feel more comfortable.
Keeping score. If the pattern in your relationship is to take count of who did what
and when then this is a serious sign of a failing relationship. It means that one
or the other of you feels like they bring more value into the relationship. This is a
hidden sign of selfishness, which will only grow worse with time.
It's already over. If you or your sweetie went into the relationship with an escape
plan, you better bet your bottom that it will be used. Negative thinking will spread
like...oh, that would be to easy...butter on a hot bun. HA! Planning for the end will
ensure that there will be one. This can also be a sign of being detached from
commitment, a constant pessimist, and someone who is always looking for the
next best thing.
Sneakiness. If your relationship does not mirror that of a best friend then it is not
a healthy relationship. If you have things you can not share or hide from your treat
then you are building a house of cards waiting for someone to just blow.
Openness is a sign of trust and without trust there is nothing. You may feel like
your cutie doesn't have to know all your business, all that means is you are not
ready to be in a relationship.
Is it me or my Rolex? Many times a person falls for what the other represents.
Other times it is the feeling that they get while around the other person, while not
really liking who that person is. Sometimes people like the feeling of falling while
not really caring who it may be with, then they find themselves in a full on
relationship unable to start over. Evaluate how you feel about that person, not
what they have, represent, or project. Do you really like them?
So those are the cold hard facts my sweet treats! So go home, check out the
base of your relationship, then do something. There is no need in staying
somewhere that you aren't perfectly happy!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Hi there my loves! It is your sharp toothed kitty here with a quick check up on that
naughty R word! Puzzled? Shouldn't know, relationship! Have you have
been riding the fence (instead of your love) on whether or not to call it quits? Well
I am here to pound that final nail right on the head. But are you ready for it?
There are lots of reasons why relationships fail, some are obvious while others
are hidden under the covers. Let's look at some of the naughty signs.
Control. One person feels like they are out of it, while the other has it all. Control,
like power, comes from with in yourself. You can not gain any more control by
taking it from someone else! Seriously. If you stay in control of yourself, your
mate is more likely to follow suit. Struggling to take control usually ends up in a
lose-lose situation, making both parties out of control. If you feel like you can not
get control of yourself and neither can your mate you need to find some one who
makes you feel more comfortable.
Keeping score. If the pattern in your relationship is to take count of who did what
and when then this is a serious sign of a failing relationship. It means that one
or the other of you feels like they bring more value into the relationship. This is a
hidden sign of selfishness, which will only grow worse with time.
It's already over. If you or your sweetie went into the relationship with an escape
plan, you better bet your bottom that it will be used. Negative thinking will spread
like...oh, that would be to easy...butter on a hot bun. HA! Planning for the end will
ensure that there will be one. This can also be a sign of being detached from
commitment, a constant pessimist, and someone who is always looking for the
next best thing.
Sneakiness. If your relationship does not mirror that of a best friend then it is not
a healthy relationship. If you have things you can not share or hide from your treat
then you are building a house of cards waiting for someone to just blow.
Openness is a sign of trust and without trust there is nothing. You may feel like
your cutie doesn't have to know all your business, all that means is you are not
ready to be in a relationship.
Is it me or my Rolex? Many times a person falls for what the other represents.
Other times it is the feeling that they get while around the other person, while not
really liking who that person is. Sometimes people like the feeling of falling while
not really caring who it may be with, then they find themselves in a full on
relationship unable to start over. Evaluate how you feel about that person, not
what they have, represent, or project. Do you really like them?
So those are the cold hard facts my sweet treats! So go home, check out the
base of your relationship, then do something. There is no need in staying
somewhere that you aren't perfectly happy!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What's love got to do with it?
What's love got to do with it?
The Tiger RoxXx guide to casual dating…by Tiger RoxXx
September, 2008
Happy hot summer nights my juicy darlings! It is your friendly neighborhood sex kitten here to chat about that misunderstood topic of the casual relationship. Now we all know that everybody wants somebody to love, but you may have to play the field before you find that special one to that makes you want to settle in for the home run! So, it is up to you to decide how you make the best of it when you play the game.
But what is casual dating? By definition it is: two people who are trying to get to know one another better, without commitments or promises through dating. Either or both parties can be casually dating other people. Nice! Right? Well, it should be! How do you keep it all in the pretty little package it started out in? Let's discuss the guide to being a causal dater.
1) Open Communication. Be clear on your motives for being a casual dater. Is it to find 'the one'? Is it because you are not ready for a commitment? Is it because you love multiple relationships? Whatever, just be clear! The other person should live with it and continue to date you or move to someone with the same goals.
2) Make dating boundaries. Make sure there are clear and established expectations. There doesn't have to be a regiment, but if both parties understand the 'contact' rules then there will be no surprises that cause either party to be uncomfortable later and possibly a good thing to stop. Do you think public affection is 'a fine time' and she thinks it is 'not so much', is she calling every day and you consider that invasion of space?… these are things that need to be determined…and what about sex? Enough said!
3) Do not expect it to turn into a relationship. Even if both parties' goals are to look for their love, the issue may seem forced if you push it and therefore won't flow as easy. Just concentrate on the date not a mate.
4) Date multiple people. You are casual dating, so don't limit yourself. If you bound yourself to only one person, you can not see all of your options and experience the opportunities of casual dating.
5) Date a variety of compatible people. If you cookie cutter your options you might as well just stop now! Sure we all have our tastes and likes and dislikes, but that doesn't mean our idea of a good time can't vary in a wide spectrum. Try to flow from one end of it to the other to be sure you shop around.
So my darling daters don't feel bad about fooling around with your share of sweet hearts in order to end up with the right tasty treat. Oh, and dating means you have to actually do something you both like at a planned time. You don't have to spend money but there is a difference in dating and hanging out…but that is another lesson in itself. (hint hint) And remember that you are your best beloved, so love yourself first!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
The Tiger RoxXx guide to casual dating…by Tiger RoxXx
September, 2008
Happy hot summer nights my juicy darlings! It is your friendly neighborhood sex kitten here to chat about that misunderstood topic of the casual relationship. Now we all know that everybody wants somebody to love, but you may have to play the field before you find that special one to that makes you want to settle in for the home run! So, it is up to you to decide how you make the best of it when you play the game.
But what is casual dating? By definition it is: two people who are trying to get to know one another better, without commitments or promises through dating. Either or both parties can be casually dating other people. Nice! Right? Well, it should be! How do you keep it all in the pretty little package it started out in? Let's discuss the guide to being a causal dater.
1) Open Communication. Be clear on your motives for being a casual dater. Is it to find 'the one'? Is it because you are not ready for a commitment? Is it because you love multiple relationships? Whatever, just be clear! The other person should live with it and continue to date you or move to someone with the same goals.
2) Make dating boundaries. Make sure there are clear and established expectations. There doesn't have to be a regiment, but if both parties understand the 'contact' rules then there will be no surprises that cause either party to be uncomfortable later and possibly a good thing to stop. Do you think public affection is 'a fine time' and she thinks it is 'not so much', is she calling every day and you consider that invasion of space?… these are things that need to be determined…and what about sex? Enough said!
3) Do not expect it to turn into a relationship. Even if both parties' goals are to look for their love, the issue may seem forced if you push it and therefore won't flow as easy. Just concentrate on the date not a mate.
4) Date multiple people. You are casual dating, so don't limit yourself. If you bound yourself to only one person, you can not see all of your options and experience the opportunities of casual dating.
5) Date a variety of compatible people. If you cookie cutter your options you might as well just stop now! Sure we all have our tastes and likes and dislikes, but that doesn't mean our idea of a good time can't vary in a wide spectrum. Try to flow from one end of it to the other to be sure you shop around.
So my darling daters don't feel bad about fooling around with your share of sweet hearts in order to end up with the right tasty treat. Oh, and dating means you have to actually do something you both like at a planned time. You don't have to spend money but there is a difference in dating and hanging out…but that is another lesson in itself. (hint hint) And remember that you are your best beloved, so love yourself first!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
tiger roxxx
He said, She heard by Tiger RoxXx
He said, She heard
Hello my darlings, it is your favorite vicious kitten here to talk about the most common mistake you lads and lass's make when it comes to coming together. Bad communication! I see it on the streets and in the bars, and have even been a victim of it myself at times. Why is it so common? Why such an issue? Men and women speak different languages, listen differently, and comprehend in totally separate manners. So what is the deal?
Men seem to speak one language, the one of carnal urges,while women speak the ancient art of the unspoken word.SO how do we get the two worlds to meet? Thinking you had made yourself clear, and somehow, someway, the earsyou were whispering in misread your signals! Whether it is the commonly dreaded "I'm OK!" to the unspoken languagethat he should just KNOW! There is one thing that is for sure- if you do not speak your mind clearly you will not be heard.
So here are your Tiger Tidbits to be sure we are all speaking the same jive talk!
1) Communication is more than just talking. You have to be sure to make your statement in clear, concise, and easyto understand manner. Put it in a way that would take away any feelings of negativity, even if saying things that the otherperson may not like or agree with. Keep the ears you are speaking to as open as your mouth, so other avenues will stay open as well.
2) Listening is key. In order to have open communication it must be two sided. That means listen as well as speak. Donot just hear, but understand what your cutie is saying. Be open to hear the whole story no matter what it is, and they will be open to your stories as well.
3) Confirm. If you have any questions at all, or think you are missing something - ask. Also, if you feel the least bit up-set by what your sweetheart is saying, make sure you know. You may have misunderstood. It's better to ask and let a fire start in the right place later than keep your mouth shutwhile flames of anger burn bright.
4) Be yourself. Don't change your views, self, or attitudes to blend towards your mate - eventually your true opinions will surface. Put your real opinion forward so your little lovie will know what you think- like it, love it, or don't want to take it they have a right to hear it and maketheir own decisions.
5) Chit chat. Don't always talk about serious stuff. Especially in long term relationships cohorts seem to discuss business only. Be sure to keep an open line of communication and playfulness through spontaneous chit chat.
So that is my communication to you my loves, you know I like to keep it flowing! Now go out and spread the word!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Hello my darlings, it is your favorite vicious kitten here to talk about the most common mistake you lads and lass's make when it comes to coming together. Bad communication! I see it on the streets and in the bars, and have even been a victim of it myself at times. Why is it so common? Why such an issue? Men and women speak different languages, listen differently, and comprehend in totally separate manners. So what is the deal?
Men seem to speak one language, the one of carnal urges,while women speak the ancient art of the unspoken word.SO how do we get the two worlds to meet? Thinking you had made yourself clear, and somehow, someway, the earsyou were whispering in misread your signals! Whether it is the commonly dreaded "I'm OK!" to the unspoken languagethat he should just KNOW! There is one thing that is for sure- if you do not speak your mind clearly you will not be heard.
So here are your Tiger Tidbits to be sure we are all speaking the same jive talk!
1) Communication is more than just talking. You have to be sure to make your statement in clear, concise, and easyto understand manner. Put it in a way that would take away any feelings of negativity, even if saying things that the otherperson may not like or agree with. Keep the ears you are speaking to as open as your mouth, so other avenues will stay open as well.
2) Listening is key. In order to have open communication it must be two sided. That means listen as well as speak. Donot just hear, but understand what your cutie is saying. Be open to hear the whole story no matter what it is, and they will be open to your stories as well.
3) Confirm. If you have any questions at all, or think you are missing something - ask. Also, if you feel the least bit up-set by what your sweetheart is saying, make sure you know. You may have misunderstood. It's better to ask and let a fire start in the right place later than keep your mouth shutwhile flames of anger burn bright.
4) Be yourself. Don't change your views, self, or attitudes to blend towards your mate - eventually your true opinions will surface. Put your real opinion forward so your little lovie will know what you think- like it, love it, or don't want to take it they have a right to hear it and maketheir own decisions.
5) Chit chat. Don't always talk about serious stuff. Especially in long term relationships cohorts seem to discuss business only. Be sure to keep an open line of communication and playfulness through spontaneous chit chat.
So that is my communication to you my loves, you know I like to keep it flowing! Now go out and spread the word!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
tiger roxxx
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Visit my T-Shirt Shop
Visit my T-Shirt Shop
Hi there my sexy friends!I have my own little T-Shirt shop with funny sayings, sexy T's, and YES...Tiger RoxXx logo shirts!
Go to to see what is going on, and purchase yours today!
New styles and designs are added daily!
Tiger RoxXx
Hi there my sexy friends!I have my own little T-Shirt shop with funny sayings, sexy T's, and YES...Tiger RoxXx logo shirts!
Go to to see what is going on, and purchase yours today!
New styles and designs are added daily!
Tiger RoxXx
tiger roxxx
Love Sick- When Romance makes you Ill
Love Sick- When Romance makes you Ill…by Tiger RoxXx
Hi there my lovelies! It’s your sharp toothed feline friend here with a few words to sink your teeth into. We are creeping into the dog days of summer, and as the heat grows so can the passion of the season. This little number is about that crazy thing called love, and how it can get out of control. “Crazy…Crazy in love with you!” That is how the song goes, right? You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, you can’t think of anything but your love. Well, what is fine as wine and what is that one step that puts you over the edge? Let’s talk about it!
Most people want someone they can share a part of themselves with, open up to, be a part of- but what happens when that connection of selves blurs your lives? Love addiction is a serious problem that is often over looked in relationships. (“she’s pyscho…he’s possesive”) We have all had those bad relationship’s, I talk about them all the time, but what happens when you turn that person into a focal point and the love goes bad? It happens more than you know.
Love Addiction affects a person like any other impulse action except that it has to do with love and sexual interactions. Since ‘love’ is part of the addiction people often don’t understand the dangers involved in the situation. A person may fall so deeply they react and act differently then they would in a normal situation, becoming obsessed with a person and the connecting interactive situations. This does not necessary stem from their lover- don’t get it twisted, mister, it wasn’t about you- but about life situation they were lacking at the time. A love addict can also carry those habits into other relationships, once the traits are learned.
So, are you nervous yet? Are you looking around to see if you are the addict or your love? Well, here are some signs:
Do you lack trust in any relationship?
Do you need a partner in order to feel worthy?
Are you tolerant of excessive behavior?
Do you have several addictions?
Do you believe love is the same thing as sex?
So now what? Well with any style of addiction you have to recognize and decide you want to make a change. Then go to the root of the issue, because like I said it’s not the love it’s the addict… what is the addict lacking that needs to be filled with the obessive love. Then seek help because this is a serious matter. Love addiction can lead to dramatic and aggressive behavior if the addict is not responded to properly. Talk to someone about it, keep yourself in check!
Well, my tasty treats, those are my words of wisdom for this month of heat!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Hi there my lovelies! It’s your sharp toothed feline friend here with a few words to sink your teeth into. We are creeping into the dog days of summer, and as the heat grows so can the passion of the season. This little number is about that crazy thing called love, and how it can get out of control. “Crazy…Crazy in love with you!” That is how the song goes, right? You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, you can’t think of anything but your love. Well, what is fine as wine and what is that one step that puts you over the edge? Let’s talk about it!
Most people want someone they can share a part of themselves with, open up to, be a part of- but what happens when that connection of selves blurs your lives? Love addiction is a serious problem that is often over looked in relationships. (“she’s pyscho…he’s possesive”) We have all had those bad relationship’s, I talk about them all the time, but what happens when you turn that person into a focal point and the love goes bad? It happens more than you know.
Love Addiction affects a person like any other impulse action except that it has to do with love and sexual interactions. Since ‘love’ is part of the addiction people often don’t understand the dangers involved in the situation. A person may fall so deeply they react and act differently then they would in a normal situation, becoming obsessed with a person and the connecting interactive situations. This does not necessary stem from their lover- don’t get it twisted, mister, it wasn’t about you- but about life situation they were lacking at the time. A love addict can also carry those habits into other relationships, once the traits are learned.
So, are you nervous yet? Are you looking around to see if you are the addict or your love? Well, here are some signs:
Do you lack trust in any relationship?
Do you need a partner in order to feel worthy?
Are you tolerant of excessive behavior?
Do you have several addictions?
Do you believe love is the same thing as sex?
So now what? Well with any style of addiction you have to recognize and decide you want to make a change. Then go to the root of the issue, because like I said it’s not the love it’s the addict… what is the addict lacking that needs to be filled with the obessive love. Then seek help because this is a serious matter. Love addiction can lead to dramatic and aggressive behavior if the addict is not responded to properly. Talk to someone about it, keep yourself in check!
Well, my tasty treats, those are my words of wisdom for this month of heat!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
tiger roxxx
The Judgement of the Screen
Hi there my lovelies! As you saw yesterday my good friend and Boylesque Buddy Smokin' McQueen was on NBC on America's Got Talent Tues. Night. We are starting a campaign against NBC and the Hoff due to their unfair judgment of people based on looks, not TALENT. The Hoff has consistently favored the stereotypical look of the female,(and sometimes male) and made mean and degrading comments about people's aesthetics, not their talents. It is not "America's Most Likely to Fit into Society Due to Their Common Every Day Acceptable Looks" it is 'America's Got Talent' here is the contact page for NBC:
You have to choose the show, America's Got Talent when writing your email. Then let them know that as Proud, Happy, totally giving and loving Americans we will no longer be smashed into the stereotypes of what is or is not acceptable as far as aesthetics go! We are proud of what we look like in all our shapes and sizes! We are gutsy to stand up and show our talents and share them with people, allowing the populous to benefit from our amazingness!
Do not try to suppress us or hold us back because we are beautiful and talented and proud!
BTW, they have a 'diversity' section hidden in their site...HA! Please write to further the growth of the self love of the American populous, and to stifle these rude, degrading, and emotionally abusive comments being allowed to be aired on national TV.
Thanks for all you guys who wrote me already on this matter! I love you!
Oh yeah, and here is Smokin’s clip.
You have to choose the show, America's Got Talent when writing your email. Then let them know that as Proud, Happy, totally giving and loving Americans we will no longer be smashed into the stereotypes of what is or is not acceptable as far as aesthetics go! We are proud of what we look like in all our shapes and sizes! We are gutsy to stand up and show our talents and share them with people, allowing the populous to benefit from our amazingness!
Do not try to suppress us or hold us back because we are beautiful and talented and proud!
BTW, they have a 'diversity' section hidden in their site...HA! Please write to further the growth of the self love of the American populous, and to stifle these rude, degrading, and emotionally abusive comments being allowed to be aired on national TV.
Thanks for all you guys who wrote me already on this matter! I love you!
Oh yeah, and here is Smokin’s clip.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Five clues that he is a loser!
Alright Girlies, now we can all relate to those loser bois who at the first sniff are easily defined as rotten meat. But what about those sneaky little cons who have mastered the art of the game, and have learned enough tricks to get past a slightly seasoned lady. Those of you who have just gotten out of a relationship, have decided to give someone a chance, or are fresh to the local scene may fall prey to these devilish pranksters and before you know it you think you are in for the Thing and they are in for that Thang!
Here are some signs to watch out that your man is not out to be 'your man'…
The first clue is how he treats other people. He is trying to impress you, but if he is rude to the server, the valet, or makes remarks to you about being rude or impolite to other people- then that is probably his true nature and that will come out towards you eventually.
Do a background check on previous relationships and friendships with some simple questions during the first date. If he is constantly the victim in his life, then there are probably character defaults he is not showing to you right now. Does he have a past that he is not sharing, or does every girlfriend he has ever been with hate him? WHY? This is a fine line to balance by you as well, too many questions make you to prying, but you have to ask just enough to get your info.
Is he consistent? These pranksters often have two or three stories going on at one time, much less two or three girls, make sure you listen that they all match as far as dates. This is the easiest technique to catch a fibber. Every lie is wrapped in some truth, it is these truths that will make them fumble. Did he spend Christmas will Sally and New Years with Jenny??? This will let you know his true colors and where you need to head.
Be wary of a guy who acts totally into you on the first date. This is an old trick that sometimes catch's a girl off guard. There is a difference between chemistry and wanting to get between the sheets. Make sure you are speaking the same language. We all want to get laid, but make sure you know what happens next.
Does he seem too good to be true? Well then he probably is. I know that sounds cynical, but how many of your totally in love and happy friends had the most mystical perfect take your breathe away feeling on the first date? Think of how you are acting and feeling, does he match you? Is he too touchy, laid back, romantic, mushy, compared to how you would normally act on a first date? If so, move on.
Well, kiddies, this is the humble yet jaded opinion of the Player Slayer, saying happy hunting, be safe (in every way), and don't let a good man keep you down unless there is handcuffs and a friendly spanking involved.
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Here are some signs to watch out that your man is not out to be 'your man'…
The first clue is how he treats other people. He is trying to impress you, but if he is rude to the server, the valet, or makes remarks to you about being rude or impolite to other people- then that is probably his true nature and that will come out towards you eventually.
Do a background check on previous relationships and friendships with some simple questions during the first date. If he is constantly the victim in his life, then there are probably character defaults he is not showing to you right now. Does he have a past that he is not sharing, or does every girlfriend he has ever been with hate him? WHY? This is a fine line to balance by you as well, too many questions make you to prying, but you have to ask just enough to get your info.
Is he consistent? These pranksters often have two or three stories going on at one time, much less two or three girls, make sure you listen that they all match as far as dates. This is the easiest technique to catch a fibber. Every lie is wrapped in some truth, it is these truths that will make them fumble. Did he spend Christmas will Sally and New Years with Jenny??? This will let you know his true colors and where you need to head.
Be wary of a guy who acts totally into you on the first date. This is an old trick that sometimes catch's a girl off guard. There is a difference between chemistry and wanting to get between the sheets. Make sure you are speaking the same language. We all want to get laid, but make sure you know what happens next.
Does he seem too good to be true? Well then he probably is. I know that sounds cynical, but how many of your totally in love and happy friends had the most mystical perfect take your breathe away feeling on the first date? Think of how you are acting and feeling, does he match you? Is he too touchy, laid back, romantic, mushy, compared to how you would normally act on a first date? If so, move on.
Well, kiddies, this is the humble yet jaded opinion of the Player Slayer, saying happy hunting, be safe (in every way), and don't let a good man keep you down unless there is handcuffs and a friendly spanking involved.
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx

tiger roxxx
How not to get laid~ a guys guide to panty perusing mistakes.
Hello Kiddies! It's your friendly neighborhood sex kitten here with a look at getting picked up from a doggie's point a view. Now all of us ladies have been affronted or even 'a-back-ed' by some hapless hound that needed a few pointers before he approached a doll like us. So, I thought I would take it upon myself to help these cute little fellows out before they made those all too crucial mistakes that turned our stomachs, much less our hearts.
Let's start with the basics… "Hey!" is not a pick up line, a compliment, or even a complete sentence. If that is the extent of your conversation, then you should not be leaving the house. Adding the word "Baby" to it doesn't help matters, so come up with something else. This has never worked, and will never work…stop trying. Think before you speak and come up with something clever to say to us, and add a compliment in for good measure.
Speaking of being a-back-ed, edging up to the rear end of a girl while she is dancing at the club may work for a split second while she is drunk, but it is rarely the best method. Come straight at us, we like to see what we are dealing with. If you have nothing to hide, meet us face to face. Girls are attracted to confidence and non-physical attributes which will be portrayed through eye contact and body language.
Buy a girl a drink, and don't ask what she is drinking- just know! Didn't you learn anything from Hitch? This doesn't mean you have to let her drink on you all night (sorry ladies) but showing her you are interested enough to bring her a cocktail is a great way to get one step closer to where you want to be- next to her.
Recognize the difference between someone who is flirting and just being nice. Some girls can't blow a guy off; it is no good to waste time on someone who is not attracted to you. Learn to pick up the warning signs of someone who is not interested and just move on. It is less painful for everyone involved this way.
And lastly but not leastly…Don't hang all over her once you have made the approach. This will keep things interesting, for you and her. You don't have to hold hands, suck face, and drown yourself in her ALL night… dipping in and out of her circle and staying in close proximity shows your interest without smothering her. It makes the flirting and touching you do all the more sexy! Her friends will appreciate the space, and it will still give you the time to get to know each other and watch each other interact.
Well Dolls and Dogs, I hope this helps your pre-dating experiences get a tickle bit better. Once you have made it through the approach, all you have to do then is keep her interested. This is Tiger RoXXX saying be nice to each other or who else will, besides me, of course!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Let's start with the basics… "Hey!" is not a pick up line, a compliment, or even a complete sentence. If that is the extent of your conversation, then you should not be leaving the house. Adding the word "Baby" to it doesn't help matters, so come up with something else. This has never worked, and will never work…stop trying. Think before you speak and come up with something clever to say to us, and add a compliment in for good measure.
Speaking of being a-back-ed, edging up to the rear end of a girl while she is dancing at the club may work for a split second while she is drunk, but it is rarely the best method. Come straight at us, we like to see what we are dealing with. If you have nothing to hide, meet us face to face. Girls are attracted to confidence and non-physical attributes which will be portrayed through eye contact and body language.
Buy a girl a drink, and don't ask what she is drinking- just know! Didn't you learn anything from Hitch? This doesn't mean you have to let her drink on you all night (sorry ladies) but showing her you are interested enough to bring her a cocktail is a great way to get one step closer to where you want to be- next to her.
Recognize the difference between someone who is flirting and just being nice. Some girls can't blow a guy off; it is no good to waste time on someone who is not attracted to you. Learn to pick up the warning signs of someone who is not interested and just move on. It is less painful for everyone involved this way.
And lastly but not leastly…Don't hang all over her once you have made the approach. This will keep things interesting, for you and her. You don't have to hold hands, suck face, and drown yourself in her ALL night… dipping in and out of her circle and staying in close proximity shows your interest without smothering her. It makes the flirting and touching you do all the more sexy! Her friends will appreciate the space, and it will still give you the time to get to know each other and watch each other interact.
Well Dolls and Dogs, I hope this helps your pre-dating experiences get a tickle bit better. Once you have made it through the approach, all you have to do then is keep her interested. This is Tiger RoXXX saying be nice to each other or who else will, besides me, of course!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx

bad boys,
tiger roxxx
From 'sure' to sheets~ A Valentines Day guide to getting laid.
Hello there lovers! A big sexy wet kiss to you all to start off this sloppy month of entanglement. The topic on everyone's mind is romance and that special day- February 14th, Valentines! With that said I thought I would give you a few tart and tangy suggestions to tailor your valentine plans so you are sure to steer your sweetie to the bedroom.
Rule number one is to think out of the box! (Not just about her box) Anyone can do dinner and a movie, you want to stand out. If you want to do dinner think about mixing it up-cook it yourself, make reservations somewhere memorable like the place your first met, take her somewhere she has always wanted to go, or find somewhere out of the ordinary like a picnic at an ice rink. (If that suits her personality) It has to be something more than a usual date to ensure she gets warmed up.
Rule number two is plan, plan, plan. Don't ask her what she wants, or where she wants to go…especially on your way there. Think about what she would want and then have it all arranged. When you take charge and show her you know what she wants, you will be more likely to get what you want later!
Rule number three is overindulging! Women emphasize this day like they are keeping count. Even a single rose is better than no flowers at all, a note or poem if you can't get a gift, the more points you rack up the more likely you are to score.
Rule number four treat her like a princess! When a lady feels like a princess- attractive, sensuous, on top of the world- then she acts the same. Her princess juices will start flowing in the direction of the one who got them going. YOU!
Rule number five is most important- appreciate what you have worked for! Once you get to the point of seduction don't ruin it by rushing in. Satisfy all parties involved with a slow and thorough job. Nobody likes a minute man and you don't want to have done all that work just to 'blow it'!
So that is my advice to you fellows! Hope these tidbits help you get closer to your end goals- happiness and satisfaction. Make the most of your "Valentine Treats" so March can come in like a Lion!
Meow Baby,
Rule number one is to think out of the box! (Not just about her box) Anyone can do dinner and a movie, you want to stand out. If you want to do dinner think about mixing it up-cook it yourself, make reservations somewhere memorable like the place your first met, take her somewhere she has always wanted to go, or find somewhere out of the ordinary like a picnic at an ice rink. (If that suits her personality) It has to be something more than a usual date to ensure she gets warmed up.
Rule number two is plan, plan, plan. Don't ask her what she wants, or where she wants to go…especially on your way there. Think about what she would want and then have it all arranged. When you take charge and show her you know what she wants, you will be more likely to get what you want later!
Rule number three is overindulging! Women emphasize this day like they are keeping count. Even a single rose is better than no flowers at all, a note or poem if you can't get a gift, the more points you rack up the more likely you are to score.
Rule number four treat her like a princess! When a lady feels like a princess- attractive, sensuous, on top of the world- then she acts the same. Her princess juices will start flowing in the direction of the one who got them going. YOU!
Rule number five is most important- appreciate what you have worked for! Once you get to the point of seduction don't ruin it by rushing in. Satisfy all parties involved with a slow and thorough job. Nobody likes a minute man and you don't want to have done all that work just to 'blow it'!
So that is my advice to you fellows! Hope these tidbits help you get closer to your end goals- happiness and satisfaction. Make the most of your "Valentine Treats" so March can come in like a Lion!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx

tiger roxxx,
valentines day
How to stalk your stalker...
Hi there gents and dolls! It’s your favorite little kitty peeking through the weeds of mischief like a true Tiger can to teach you how to truly stalk your stalker. Now before we move into my comedic, yet informative, monologue I want to say really being stalked is a serious matter which you should report to the proper authorities. Never take serious and dangerous matters into your own hands!
Now onto our lessons…
Everyone has been in one of THOSE relationships! The one’s that start off feeling warm and fuzzy and then end up with having to have a 200lb hemorrhoid removed from your touché! But how did it happen???
More than likely you went from dating to relationship in 5.2 seconds without checking your early warning signs. Whether it’s a crotch scratching fella or bon bon eating lass, it is sure that there was one common factor in your posterior problem…moving too fast without fact checking!
Stalk your stalker, because that is the ONLY way you will determine the mood of your future relationship! If you didn’t read "5 signs that he’s a loser" in our Dec ’07 issue, then you should definitely catch that for signs to look for on the first date. If you actually made it past THAT first date milestone into the longer stretch of building your casual ’thang’ into a serious ’thing’ here are some pointer’s to keep it real.
Pay attention! So often we are enamored with the acts of the rendezvous that we don’t pay attention to the early warning signs. Good steady research of personality compatibility- each other’s likes and dislikes, morals, and personal habits- will let you know how far the relationship can go. Most overlook mid-relationship signs in the hopes it is just a phase that will change. Ever heard the saying you can’t change a tiger’s stripes? If you like a little hanky spanky and he is a straight lace, odds are you aren’t going home with a pink hinny honey!
Separate Lives! Missing mid-relationship signs often leads to clingy or over bearing actions on one or both of your parts trying to ’force’ a change of behavior. You end up spending an enormous amount of time together in early to mid stages of the relationship, eclipsing your lives. If you can’t be ’their everything’ and still lead separate lives, you are in for a pain in Uranus! This will lead to chaos and calamity that you have a hard time shaking in the end!
Background Checks! I can’t ever say this enough! Listen to me kiddies, seriously!!! Are you setting yourself up to be the victim of a serial dater? Listen to their dating history! You do the math and be sure to make a subtraction in time to save your heart! They will give you all the clues, if you let them. Don’t ignore trouble signs that are sure to manifest later because you are having a good time now!
Cut Loose! Don’t be afraid to cut your losses! Many people feel they have invested time and energy, blah, blah, blah and they continue after the relationship should be fini’! You are only elongating the death of the situation, and while it may not seem like misery now it will be one day if you continue in an incompatible situation. Wouldn’t it be happier to end on a more contented note now, then later when things go south? Then you won’t end up with that pain in the rear problem, but maybe a friend you can rear-end later!
So, there is my take on keeping a happy and healthy stalker free relationship! This is Tiger RoxXx saying take care of each other by taking care of your self first!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Now onto our lessons…
Everyone has been in one of THOSE relationships! The one’s that start off feeling warm and fuzzy and then end up with having to have a 200lb hemorrhoid removed from your touché! But how did it happen???
More than likely you went from dating to relationship in 5.2 seconds without checking your early warning signs. Whether it’s a crotch scratching fella or bon bon eating lass, it is sure that there was one common factor in your posterior problem…moving too fast without fact checking!
Stalk your stalker, because that is the ONLY way you will determine the mood of your future relationship! If you didn’t read "5 signs that he’s a loser" in our Dec ’07 issue, then you should definitely catch that for signs to look for on the first date. If you actually made it past THAT first date milestone into the longer stretch of building your casual ’thang’ into a serious ’thing’ here are some pointer’s to keep it real.
Pay attention! So often we are enamored with the acts of the rendezvous that we don’t pay attention to the early warning signs. Good steady research of personality compatibility- each other’s likes and dislikes, morals, and personal habits- will let you know how far the relationship can go. Most overlook mid-relationship signs in the hopes it is just a phase that will change. Ever heard the saying you can’t change a tiger’s stripes? If you like a little hanky spanky and he is a straight lace, odds are you aren’t going home with a pink hinny honey!
Separate Lives! Missing mid-relationship signs often leads to clingy or over bearing actions on one or both of your parts trying to ’force’ a change of behavior. You end up spending an enormous amount of time together in early to mid stages of the relationship, eclipsing your lives. If you can’t be ’their everything’ and still lead separate lives, you are in for a pain in Uranus! This will lead to chaos and calamity that you have a hard time shaking in the end!
Background Checks! I can’t ever say this enough! Listen to me kiddies, seriously!!! Are you setting yourself up to be the victim of a serial dater? Listen to their dating history! You do the math and be sure to make a subtraction in time to save your heart! They will give you all the clues, if you let them. Don’t ignore trouble signs that are sure to manifest later because you are having a good time now!
Cut Loose! Don’t be afraid to cut your losses! Many people feel they have invested time and energy, blah, blah, blah and they continue after the relationship should be fini’! You are only elongating the death of the situation, and while it may not seem like misery now it will be one day if you continue in an incompatible situation. Wouldn’t it be happier to end on a more contented note now, then later when things go south? Then you won’t end up with that pain in the rear problem, but maybe a friend you can rear-end later!
So, there is my take on keeping a happy and healthy stalker free relationship! This is Tiger RoxXx saying take care of each other by taking care of your self first!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx

tiger roxxx
Don't cheat on yourself...
Bonjour my sweets! It's your favorite spicy kitten here with my never ending saucy words of wisdom. We are coming into one of my favorite times of year when the weather gets warm and you kiddies go on the prowl. "Mating Season" as we have so playfully dubbed it! Clothes get smaller, bars and clubs get hotter, and everyone gets….well- together more often.
A symptom of this amazing phenomenon is that those snuggly and comfy winter nesting relationships start to thaw and feel a little too mushy for some. What is worse is that instead of doing the right thing and shedding those winter hook up blues, people hang on while they begin sniffing the fresh spring daisies. So this little number is all about that taboo subject of cheating on yourself.
We all know it happens, it happens all the time. As a matter of fact you can probably name at least one friend, relative, if not yourself who is fooling themselves and everyone else into to thinking they are in a relationship. According to Therapist Peggy Vaugn 60% of men and 40% of women will have an affair at some point. So before you go shaking your head, pointing your finger, or spitting some bad line this mating season let's think about this. Who really gets hurt in these situations?
Man, that's deep! Right? I mean, it's great to have a warm sure thing back in bed waiting in case what you are trying to score doesn't work out, but what if it does… you either have a one night stand or two sure things, and that is a whole article in itself. (I'll think about it) I am not just playing pity on your sweet hearted girl, or too nice boy- both of which don't deserve the treatment- I am saying think about your friends who have to lie for you, and the innocents who have no clue they are in on it with you, and then there is the most important person of all YOU.
Why not just be single? I mean, I know when I am playing the field it is a lot easier to do because I am keeping my eye on the ball, not glancing over my shoulder waiting to be sideswiped.
Are you trying to use the old tired line that it's hearts you are worried about breaking? Then think about the difference between a peaceful break-up because you just aren't feeling it and your love's sensation that some one is rejected them because their love just found a taste of honey that was sweeter. A little pain now can save you a whole lot of headache (and probably some property damage) later!
You may be compounded under the crush of the societal view that you have to be in a relationship. Be in love with yourself first! Maybe it's just my rebellious attitude, but I would like to know if I am attaching myself to a person it's not because I played dollhouse when I was a little girl but because I have true feeling that will last…at least until the desert. By knowing that I can be single and OK with it I am sure when I do find that desert mate, it will be for all the right sticky reasons!
Are you complaining that you just aren't getting what you need from your mate? Then why stay with them while looking for it somewhere else? That is the perfect opportunity to hit the bricks and play the field. Explore all the opportunities of the wonderful world of being single and get to know YOU! Don't settle just to have someone and learn to be happy with being single. (Oh, and the more you look the less you will find, it's a common rule in the single's guide.)
If we explore all the 'reasons' to cheat… intimacy issues, lack of pleasure in certain areas, the need for attention, self esteem problems, the list goes on and on … it all boils down to one plain fact to me – work it out or leave. There is no reason to cheat! Cheating only causes other different kinds of messes to clean up. So you really are hurting yourself most of all, you lose someone you once thought enough about to make yours, even if for a short time. You misplace a little bit of yourself, and you screw things up with your inner circle and that is no way to get a spanking!
So, my love kittens, this is Tiger RoxXx with my slightly harsher words for this month of the bump and grind. Don't let me catch ya out there being bad kitty's!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
A symptom of this amazing phenomenon is that those snuggly and comfy winter nesting relationships start to thaw and feel a little too mushy for some. What is worse is that instead of doing the right thing and shedding those winter hook up blues, people hang on while they begin sniffing the fresh spring daisies. So this little number is all about that taboo subject of cheating on yourself.
We all know it happens, it happens all the time. As a matter of fact you can probably name at least one friend, relative, if not yourself who is fooling themselves and everyone else into to thinking they are in a relationship. According to Therapist Peggy Vaugn 60% of men and 40% of women will have an affair at some point. So before you go shaking your head, pointing your finger, or spitting some bad line this mating season let's think about this. Who really gets hurt in these situations?
Man, that's deep! Right? I mean, it's great to have a warm sure thing back in bed waiting in case what you are trying to score doesn't work out, but what if it does… you either have a one night stand or two sure things, and that is a whole article in itself. (I'll think about it) I am not just playing pity on your sweet hearted girl, or too nice boy- both of which don't deserve the treatment- I am saying think about your friends who have to lie for you, and the innocents who have no clue they are in on it with you, and then there is the most important person of all YOU.
Why not just be single? I mean, I know when I am playing the field it is a lot easier to do because I am keeping my eye on the ball, not glancing over my shoulder waiting to be sideswiped.
Are you trying to use the old tired line that it's hearts you are worried about breaking? Then think about the difference between a peaceful break-up because you just aren't feeling it and your love's sensation that some one is rejected them because their love just found a taste of honey that was sweeter. A little pain now can save you a whole lot of headache (and probably some property damage) later!
You may be compounded under the crush of the societal view that you have to be in a relationship. Be in love with yourself first! Maybe it's just my rebellious attitude, but I would like to know if I am attaching myself to a person it's not because I played dollhouse when I was a little girl but because I have true feeling that will last…at least until the desert. By knowing that I can be single and OK with it I am sure when I do find that desert mate, it will be for all the right sticky reasons!
Are you complaining that you just aren't getting what you need from your mate? Then why stay with them while looking for it somewhere else? That is the perfect opportunity to hit the bricks and play the field. Explore all the opportunities of the wonderful world of being single and get to know YOU! Don't settle just to have someone and learn to be happy with being single. (Oh, and the more you look the less you will find, it's a common rule in the single's guide.)
If we explore all the 'reasons' to cheat… intimacy issues, lack of pleasure in certain areas, the need for attention, self esteem problems, the list goes on and on … it all boils down to one plain fact to me – work it out or leave. There is no reason to cheat! Cheating only causes other different kinds of messes to clean up. So you really are hurting yourself most of all, you lose someone you once thought enough about to make yours, even if for a short time. You misplace a little bit of yourself, and you screw things up with your inner circle and that is no way to get a spanking!
So, my love kittens, this is Tiger RoxXx with my slightly harsher words for this month of the bump and grind. Don't let me catch ya out there being bad kitty's!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx

tiger roxxx
How to get dumped... a getting over it guide!
Happy May My Sweets! It is your purring pal here with some tasty treats of advice having to do with those uncomfortable times that no one wants to talk about- no, not THOSE times- I am talking about getting dumped! We can pretty it up any way you want but it all hurts the same. The separation anxiety, the anger, the thoughts of what you did wrong, maybe even a little fight to get your 'prize' back… well I am here to help!
May is the month of flowers, out with the old in with the new, and rebirths! (and my Birthday!) That is why we should focus on how to get over those things that have been holding us back from moving in a positive direction! Here are five rules to having a successful break-up!
First rule of getting dumped (or breaking up- however you should look at it) is to accept it- own your release! Follow the same steps you would as if they were moving far far away with no way to contact them – forever! Deal with it, know it, believe it! Don't make up some fantasy that this fact will change, there are much better things to fantasize about!
The second rule is to make you the most important person that you love! We all want a rebound fling or a get better thing to take our mind of the situation, but in reality this only prolongs the healing process. It can also displace the self love that you desperately need at this point in the game. Everybody needs a body sometimes, but you are too vulnerable and may end up risking emotions and self if you jump into any type of relationship- even casual!
Third Rule is to understand what your relationship was like- good and bad! Look at both sides of the story and don't play the blame game. Who cares at this point who said what, when, where, or why- the point is it's over and you can move to love yourself and have even more fun! At least that way you know all about the person you are in love with!
The Fourth Rule is No Peeking! In this age of the electronic social overexposure stopping by to peek at what your ex has been up to is all too easy. You should definitely stick to a strict eyes/hands/computers off policy to keep your mind clear and recovering. Distancing yourself right now in every aspect is the only way! There are some many other fun things to peek at on the net anyway!
Rule number Five is visualizing yourself going through all the steps of the breakup and coming out on the other end happier than ever, feeling spectacular! Odds are the wonderful you is better off without the old them anyway!
So, don't be sorry that it's over ~ be happy that it happened and move on! I am Tiger RoxXx saying "That's my cake, kiddies, and you can eat it too!" Hope to see you out and about for some Birthday celebrations around the town!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
May is the month of flowers, out with the old in with the new, and rebirths! (and my Birthday!) That is why we should focus on how to get over those things that have been holding us back from moving in a positive direction! Here are five rules to having a successful break-up!
First rule of getting dumped (or breaking up- however you should look at it) is to accept it- own your release! Follow the same steps you would as if they were moving far far away with no way to contact them – forever! Deal with it, know it, believe it! Don't make up some fantasy that this fact will change, there are much better things to fantasize about!
The second rule is to make you the most important person that you love! We all want a rebound fling or a get better thing to take our mind of the situation, but in reality this only prolongs the healing process. It can also displace the self love that you desperately need at this point in the game. Everybody needs a body sometimes, but you are too vulnerable and may end up risking emotions and self if you jump into any type of relationship- even casual!
Third Rule is to understand what your relationship was like- good and bad! Look at both sides of the story and don't play the blame game. Who cares at this point who said what, when, where, or why- the point is it's over and you can move to love yourself and have even more fun! At least that way you know all about the person you are in love with!
The Fourth Rule is No Peeking! In this age of the electronic social overexposure stopping by to peek at what your ex has been up to is all too easy. You should definitely stick to a strict eyes/hands/computers off policy to keep your mind clear and recovering. Distancing yourself right now in every aspect is the only way! There are some many other fun things to peek at on the net anyway!
Rule number Five is visualizing yourself going through all the steps of the breakup and coming out on the other end happier than ever, feeling spectacular! Odds are the wonderful you is better off without the old them anyway!
So, don't be sorry that it's over ~ be happy that it happened and move on! I am Tiger RoxXx saying "That's my cake, kiddies, and you can eat it too!" Hope to see you out and about for some Birthday celebrations around the town!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
tiger roxxx
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