Bonjour my sweets! It's your favorite spicy kitten here with my never ending saucy words of wisdom. We are coming into one of my favorite times of year when the weather gets warm and you kiddies go on the prowl. "Mating Season" as we have so playfully dubbed it! Clothes get smaller, bars and clubs get hotter, and everyone gets….well- together more often.
A symptom of this amazing phenomenon is that those snuggly and comfy winter nesting relationships start to thaw and feel a little too mushy for some. What is worse is that instead of doing the right thing and shedding those winter hook up blues, people hang on while they begin sniffing the fresh spring daisies. So this little number is all about that taboo subject of cheating on yourself.
We all know it happens, it happens all the time. As a matter of fact you can probably name at least one friend, relative, if not yourself who is fooling themselves and everyone else into to thinking they are in a relationship. According to Therapist Peggy Vaugn 60% of men and 40% of women will have an affair at some point. So before you go shaking your head, pointing your finger, or spitting some bad line this mating season let's think about this. Who really gets hurt in these situations?
Man, that's deep! Right? I mean, it's great to have a warm sure thing back in bed waiting in case what you are trying to score doesn't work out, but what if it does… you either have a one night stand or two sure things, and that is a whole article in itself. (I'll think about it) I am not just playing pity on your sweet hearted girl, or too nice boy- both of which don't deserve the treatment- I am saying think about your friends who have to lie for you, and the innocents who have no clue they are in on it with you, and then there is the most important person of all YOU.
Why not just be single? I mean, I know when I am playing the field it is a lot easier to do because I am keeping my eye on the ball, not glancing over my shoulder waiting to be sideswiped.
Are you trying to use the old tired line that it's hearts you are worried about breaking? Then think about the difference between a peaceful break-up because you just aren't feeling it and your love's sensation that some one is rejected them because their love just found a taste of honey that was sweeter. A little pain now can save you a whole lot of headache (and probably some property damage) later!
You may be compounded under the crush of the societal view that you have to be in a relationship. Be in love with yourself first! Maybe it's just my rebellious attitude, but I would like to know if I am attaching myself to a person it's not because I played dollhouse when I was a little girl but because I have true feeling that will last…at least until the desert. By knowing that I can be single and OK with it I am sure when I do find that desert mate, it will be for all the right sticky reasons!
Are you complaining that you just aren't getting what you need from your mate? Then why stay with them while looking for it somewhere else? That is the perfect opportunity to hit the bricks and play the field. Explore all the opportunities of the wonderful world of being single and get to know YOU! Don't settle just to have someone and learn to be happy with being single. (Oh, and the more you look the less you will find, it's a common rule in the single's guide.)
If we explore all the 'reasons' to cheat… intimacy issues, lack of pleasure in certain areas, the need for attention, self esteem problems, the list goes on and on … it all boils down to one plain fact to me – work it out or leave. There is no reason to cheat! Cheating only causes other different kinds of messes to clean up. So you really are hurting yourself most of all, you lose someone you once thought enough about to make yours, even if for a short time. You misplace a little bit of yourself, and you screw things up with your inner circle and that is no way to get a spanking!
So, my love kittens, this is Tiger RoxXx with my slightly harsher words for this month of the bump and grind. Don't let me catch ya out there being bad kitty's!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
A symptom of this amazing phenomenon is that those snuggly and comfy winter nesting relationships start to thaw and feel a little too mushy for some. What is worse is that instead of doing the right thing and shedding those winter hook up blues, people hang on while they begin sniffing the fresh spring daisies. So this little number is all about that taboo subject of cheating on yourself.
We all know it happens, it happens all the time. As a matter of fact you can probably name at least one friend, relative, if not yourself who is fooling themselves and everyone else into to thinking they are in a relationship. According to Therapist Peggy Vaugn 60% of men and 40% of women will have an affair at some point. So before you go shaking your head, pointing your finger, or spitting some bad line this mating season let's think about this. Who really gets hurt in these situations?
Man, that's deep! Right? I mean, it's great to have a warm sure thing back in bed waiting in case what you are trying to score doesn't work out, but what if it does… you either have a one night stand or two sure things, and that is a whole article in itself. (I'll think about it) I am not just playing pity on your sweet hearted girl, or too nice boy- both of which don't deserve the treatment- I am saying think about your friends who have to lie for you, and the innocents who have no clue they are in on it with you, and then there is the most important person of all YOU.
Why not just be single? I mean, I know when I am playing the field it is a lot easier to do because I am keeping my eye on the ball, not glancing over my shoulder waiting to be sideswiped.
Are you trying to use the old tired line that it's hearts you are worried about breaking? Then think about the difference between a peaceful break-up because you just aren't feeling it and your love's sensation that some one is rejected them because their love just found a taste of honey that was sweeter. A little pain now can save you a whole lot of headache (and probably some property damage) later!
You may be compounded under the crush of the societal view that you have to be in a relationship. Be in love with yourself first! Maybe it's just my rebellious attitude, but I would like to know if I am attaching myself to a person it's not because I played dollhouse when I was a little girl but because I have true feeling that will last…at least until the desert. By knowing that I can be single and OK with it I am sure when I do find that desert mate, it will be for all the right sticky reasons!
Are you complaining that you just aren't getting what you need from your mate? Then why stay with them while looking for it somewhere else? That is the perfect opportunity to hit the bricks and play the field. Explore all the opportunities of the wonderful world of being single and get to know YOU! Don't settle just to have someone and learn to be happy with being single. (Oh, and the more you look the less you will find, it's a common rule in the single's guide.)
If we explore all the 'reasons' to cheat… intimacy issues, lack of pleasure in certain areas, the need for attention, self esteem problems, the list goes on and on … it all boils down to one plain fact to me – work it out or leave. There is no reason to cheat! Cheating only causes other different kinds of messes to clean up. So you really are hurting yourself most of all, you lose someone you once thought enough about to make yours, even if for a short time. You misplace a little bit of yourself, and you screw things up with your inner circle and that is no way to get a spanking!
So, my love kittens, this is Tiger RoxXx with my slightly harsher words for this month of the bump and grind. Don't let me catch ya out there being bad kitty's!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx

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