Hi there gents and dolls! It’s your favorite little kitty peeking through the weeds of mischief like a true Tiger can to teach you how to truly stalk your stalker. Now before we move into my comedic, yet informative, monologue I want to say really being stalked is a serious matter which you should report to the proper authorities. Never take serious and dangerous matters into your own hands!
Now onto our lessons…
Everyone has been in one of THOSE relationships! The one’s that start off feeling warm and fuzzy and then end up with having to have a 200lb hemorrhoid removed from your touché! But how did it happen???
More than likely you went from dating to relationship in 5.2 seconds without checking your early warning signs. Whether it’s a crotch scratching fella or bon bon eating lass, it is sure that there was one common factor in your posterior problem…moving too fast without fact checking!
Stalk your stalker, because that is the ONLY way you will determine the mood of your future relationship! If you didn’t read "5 signs that he’s a loser" in our Dec ’07 issue, then you should definitely catch that for signs to look for on the first date. If you actually made it past THAT first date milestone into the longer stretch of building your casual ’thang’ into a serious ’thing’ here are some pointer’s to keep it real.
Pay attention! So often we are enamored with the acts of the rendezvous that we don’t pay attention to the early warning signs. Good steady research of personality compatibility- each other’s likes and dislikes, morals, and personal habits- will let you know how far the relationship can go. Most overlook mid-relationship signs in the hopes it is just a phase that will change. Ever heard the saying you can’t change a tiger’s stripes? If you like a little hanky spanky and he is a straight lace, odds are you aren’t going home with a pink hinny honey!
Separate Lives! Missing mid-relationship signs often leads to clingy or over bearing actions on one or both of your parts trying to ’force’ a change of behavior. You end up spending an enormous amount of time together in early to mid stages of the relationship, eclipsing your lives. If you can’t be ’their everything’ and still lead separate lives, you are in for a pain in Uranus! This will lead to chaos and calamity that you have a hard time shaking in the end!
Background Checks! I can’t ever say this enough! Listen to me kiddies, seriously!!! Are you setting yourself up to be the victim of a serial dater? Listen to their dating history! You do the math and be sure to make a subtraction in time to save your heart! They will give you all the clues, if you let them. Don’t ignore trouble signs that are sure to manifest later because you are having a good time now!
Cut Loose! Don’t be afraid to cut your losses! Many people feel they have invested time and energy, blah, blah, blah and they continue after the relationship should be fini’! You are only elongating the death of the situation, and while it may not seem like misery now it will be one day if you continue in an incompatible situation. Wouldn’t it be happier to end on a more contented note now, then later when things go south? Then you won’t end up with that pain in the rear problem, but maybe a friend you can rear-end later!
So, there is my take on keeping a happy and healthy stalker free relationship! This is Tiger RoxXx saying take care of each other by taking care of your self first!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx
Now onto our lessons…
Everyone has been in one of THOSE relationships! The one’s that start off feeling warm and fuzzy and then end up with having to have a 200lb hemorrhoid removed from your touché! But how did it happen???
More than likely you went from dating to relationship in 5.2 seconds without checking your early warning signs. Whether it’s a crotch scratching fella or bon bon eating lass, it is sure that there was one common factor in your posterior problem…moving too fast without fact checking!
Stalk your stalker, because that is the ONLY way you will determine the mood of your future relationship! If you didn’t read "5 signs that he’s a loser" in our Dec ’07 issue, then you should definitely catch that for signs to look for on the first date. If you actually made it past THAT first date milestone into the longer stretch of building your casual ’thang’ into a serious ’thing’ here are some pointer’s to keep it real.
Pay attention! So often we are enamored with the acts of the rendezvous that we don’t pay attention to the early warning signs. Good steady research of personality compatibility- each other’s likes and dislikes, morals, and personal habits- will let you know how far the relationship can go. Most overlook mid-relationship signs in the hopes it is just a phase that will change. Ever heard the saying you can’t change a tiger’s stripes? If you like a little hanky spanky and he is a straight lace, odds are you aren’t going home with a pink hinny honey!
Separate Lives! Missing mid-relationship signs often leads to clingy or over bearing actions on one or both of your parts trying to ’force’ a change of behavior. You end up spending an enormous amount of time together in early to mid stages of the relationship, eclipsing your lives. If you can’t be ’their everything’ and still lead separate lives, you are in for a pain in Uranus! This will lead to chaos and calamity that you have a hard time shaking in the end!
Background Checks! I can’t ever say this enough! Listen to me kiddies, seriously!!! Are you setting yourself up to be the victim of a serial dater? Listen to their dating history! You do the math and be sure to make a subtraction in time to save your heart! They will give you all the clues, if you let them. Don’t ignore trouble signs that are sure to manifest later because you are having a good time now!
Cut Loose! Don’t be afraid to cut your losses! Many people feel they have invested time and energy, blah, blah, blah and they continue after the relationship should be fini’! You are only elongating the death of the situation, and while it may not seem like misery now it will be one day if you continue in an incompatible situation. Wouldn’t it be happier to end on a more contented note now, then later when things go south? Then you won’t end up with that pain in the rear problem, but maybe a friend you can rear-end later!
So, there is my take on keeping a happy and healthy stalker free relationship! This is Tiger RoxXx saying take care of each other by taking care of your self first!
Meow Baby,
Tiger RoxXx

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