Tuesday, March 17, 2009

9 Tips to Internet Dating

Hi there guys and dolls, we thought that we might give you a few pointers on how to make the best most worthwhile use out of the your internet dating experience. Are you new to the internet dating scene, have had trouble connecting, or just want to see where you rank in internet dating experiences? This guide will put you into the right direction.

Tip #1. Write down ten things that you are looking for in your internet dating search. Be specific; what type of person, what outcome, what experiences are you seeking. That will allow you to draw yourself towards the right person and stop wasting valuable time on people who don’t match your goals.

Tip #2. Get great photos. An enduring photo that shows who you really are makes all the difference when approaching someone new. We are visual creatures and playing to that is only to your advantage. In the internet dating world your profile and photo are your first contact with someone.

Tip #3. Make a good profile that describes you. Be sure that a prospective mate can get a clear idea of who they are dealing with. Having essays, messages, and notes that allow for more intimate details about you personally is a great way to get a conversation flowing.

Tip #4. Avoid seeming 'just like everyone else', by not using lines or cliché style wording. First impressions are important, so if you have text that turns someone off or seems cookie cutter then you won’t get far.

Tip #5. Take time to answer questionnaires truthfully; write descriptive essays; show who you really are and be honest. The more sincere and real you seem the more receptive people will be. Internet daters want to feel safe and confident with who they are dealing with, make your true self come through.

Tip #6. Look around. Make lots of contacts, the more people you search through the better your matches will be. Once you have browsed focus your activity to a handful of profiles and work them until success or an end it met.

Tip #7. Compose a short, personalized email. Be sure to mention one thing that caught your eye about the person, add something you have in common. This will allow for a response from them and second contact where you can mention something you'd like to talk about based on what he or she wrote; reply to each email you receive honestly, individually, and with interest; spell check. Don't use pick up lines as an opening line, be sincere. First impressions are crucial here.

Tip #8. Putting yourself out there can be hard work, be sure to have confidence. People sense hesitation, be forthright and focused. Determine the proper time to ask for a live meeting, and just do it.

Tip #9. Stay in touch. Be active in your internet dating usage. You must be vested in order to get a good return. This experience will be what you make it.
So there are the nine tips that we have to help enhance your internet dating experience at ClassyArrangements.com. Let’s hear what you have to say in our forums on this topic and good hunting.

Tiger RoxXx & The Classy Team

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